About the journal 2013-TODAY (12th VOLUME in 2024)
The International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA) is a refereed publication which focusses on Economic and Administration challenges that economic units of various nature face in today’s rapidly changing international economic environment. The scope of IJEBA is to publish original, high-quality research work in Business Economics having a significant impact on the theory and practice of business, public organizations and other institutions. The ultimate mission of IJEBA is to constitute a valuable resource of scientific knowledge and applied research results for academics, practitioners and policy-makers, becoming an indispensable ally in tackling modern economy’s challenges.
IJEBA was launched in 2013, has been evaluated and indexed in several databases among them Scopus (effective 2018), RePEc, SSRN, JEL, Citefactor and others, and is under evaluation by WoS.
Articles are submitted via the on-line submission platform and are registered in the electronic platform with a unique submission number. Before the submission author(s) are kindly asked to open the “instructions for authors” link for further details regarding the style of the submission.
All manuscripts will be subject to a well-established, fair, unbiased double-blind peer review and refereeing procedure, and are considered based on their significance, novelty, and usefulness to the Journal’s readership.
The review output will be either accept, accept under conditions, or reject. A paper once rejected will not be considered again for review. A paper once accepted under conditions it goes to at least two evaluation-correction stages, authors are asked to follow instructions, comments, and recommendations before final acceptance.
A manuscript accepted after the double-blind review and possible correction stages it goes for publication to the next available issue given that authors will fulfill requested by the Editors revisions, minor changes, and better editing. The revised version during the final stage should be submitted back to the Editor by the authors within 2 months after the notification of final approval.
The review process may take from 1 to 6 months to be completed depending on the initial evaluation by the double-blind evaluation process.
As of 2024, the online submission platform has been changed. IJEBA is now using the ScholarOne submission platform by Clarivate, as part of the Clarivate group of journals. We trust the ScholarOne platform for effective and immediate double peer-review evaluation. For more information or assistance on how to use the platform, please contact: info@isma-edu.eu;
ISSN: 2241-4754

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“International Journal of Economics and Business Administration”
ISSN: 2241-4754
ICV 2022: 86.75
The result of the assessment in the ICI Journals Master List database – the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) – is a measure of the parametric power of a scientific journal. It indicates to what extent the journal meets international standards in the field of key functional areas of this medium of science.
The ICV consists of two main components: quality of the journal and journal’s impact.
Subject Area | Business, Management and Accounting Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) |
Category | Economics, Econometrics and Finance Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) |
Publisher | International Strategic Management Association, EU |
ISSN | 22414754 |
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